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Ailsa Bulger
Encouraged from childhood to knit and sew, I have always enjoyed some form of needle craft, dressmaking and toy making for a young family and eventually finding time to join the Enfield branch of the Embroiderers’ Guild.
Challenged by a fellow member to join her in Part I of the City and Guilds course in Creative Embroidery at Southgate College, I went on to complete Part II at Letchworth Settlement. Over the six years of these courses I explored many techniques, developing a particular interest in machine embroidery as well as hand work and 3D structures. Participating in an exhibiting group with wide-ranging interests encourages me to continue to explore and develop my personal practice.

Micro Terrain 1: Cumbria

Micro Terrain: California

California Rocks

Lichen Cascade

I had a little nut tree

Sherborne Songbird
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